The Bugzilla project has moved to Git.
You can find the current source code on GitHub.
The source code and changelogs are no longer browseable on this server
You can still check out source code from here, though we don't recommend it. It's here in case you already checked out via BZR, need to update what you have, and can't take the time to switch your Bugzilla checkout to Git, yet.
To change your existing checkout from to
- cd into your checkout directory and type
bzr info
, and look at the Location: section of the output.
- If it says "light checkout root" then type
bzr switch
- If it says "branch root" then type
bzr pull --remember
- Make sure to replace branchname with the actual branch, as listed below.
- If you get a certificate error about a hostname mismatch, then try adding "-Ossl.cert_reqs=none" directly after "bzr" in the command. If this option is rejected as not supported, then you will need to use bzr version 2.5.0 or newer to access the server.
This server will be going away once the Bugzilla version 4.4.x branch reaches End Of Life.
The following branches can be found here:
- bugzilla/2.14
- bugzilla/2.16
- bugzilla/2.18
- bugzilla/2.20
- bugzilla/2.22
- bugzilla/3.0
- bugzilla/3.2
- bugzilla/3.4
- bugzilla/3.6
- bugzilla/4.0
- bugzilla/4.2
- bugzilla/4.4
- bugzilla/extensions/browserid/trunk
- bugzilla/extensions/Browse/trunk
- bugzilla/extensions/cannedcomments
- bugzilla/extensions/DescribeUser/trunk
- bugzilla/extensions/Developers/trunk
- bugzilla/extensions/ExtraValues/trunk
- bugzilla/extensions/GNOME/trunk
- bugzilla/extensions/InlineHistory/1.0
- bugzilla/extensions/InlineHistory/1.1
- bugzilla/extensions/InlineHistory/1.2
- bugzilla/extensions/InlineHistory/1.3
- bugzilla/extensions/InlineHistory/1.4
- bugzilla/extensions/InlineHistory/1.5
- bugzilla/extensions/InlineHistory/trunk
- bugzilla/extensions/PatchReport/trunk
- bugzilla/extensions/ProductInterests/trunk
- bugzilla/extensions/profanivore/trunk
- bugzilla/extensions/requestwhiner/trunk
- bugzilla/extensions/rest
- bugzilla/extensions/securemail/3.2
- bugzilla/extensions/securemail/3.6
- bugzilla/extensions/securemail/4.0
- bugzilla/extensions/sitemap/trunk
- bugzilla/extensions/splinter/4.0
- bugzilla/extensions/splinter/4.2
- bugzilla/extensions/StockAnswers/trunk
- bugzilla/extensions/sync/trunk
- bugzilla/extensions/testopia/1.0-bugzilla-2.20
- bugzilla/extensions/testopia/1.2-bugzilla-2.22
- bugzilla/extensions/testopia/2.1
- bugzilla/extensions/testopia/2.2-bugzilla-3.2
- bugzilla/extensions/testopia/trunk
- bugzilla/extensions/trackingflags
- bugzilla/extensions/typesniffer/trunk
- bugzilla/extensions/vcs/trunk
- bugzilla/extensions/WeeklyBugSummary/trunk
- bugzilla/migration_test
- bugzilla/misc/active-installs
- bugzilla/misc/bugzilla-bugbot
- bugzilla/misc/build
- bugzilla/misc/landfill
- bugzilla/misc/tinderbox-bugbot
- bugzilla/misc/tinderbox-client
- bugzilla/qa/2.20
- bugzilla/qa/2.22
- bugzilla/qa/3.0
- bugzilla/qa/3.2
- bugzilla/qa/3.4
- bugzilla/qa/3.6
- bugzilla/qa/4.0
- bugzilla/qa/4.2
- bugzilla/qa/4.4
- bugzilla/qa/cvs
- bugzilla/sightings
- bugzilla/trunk
- bzr-plugins/bzr-to-cvs
- bzr-plugins/enforcecommitter